
Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
In the Fall of 2021, the OCE Print Shop, in partnership with the State of Oregon's Publishing & Distribution (P&D) print shop, were discussing the fact that during the pandemic, there was a critical shortage of envelopes across the United States, as well as worldwide. This was brought on by supply chain issues in the paper industry.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
CCCF's sewing team demonstrated outstanding teamwork and dedication in crafting over 20,000 high-quality wrist braces from raw materials, exceeding expectations and finishing the project a month ahead of schedule.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
Oregon Corrections Enterprises (OCE) programs have proven to be transformative, playing a vital role in supporting individuals on their path to personal and professional growth. Emphasizing skill-building and instilling confidence, OCE is dedicated to empowering individuals to reintegrate successfully into their communities after release. Operating laundry facilities within various correctional settings in Oregon, OCE offers pre-release job opportunities, facilitating a smooth transition back into society and reducing the likelihood of reoffending.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
In late January, OCE laundry at OSP was approached by one of our partners, they had some major machinery issues causing their tunnel washers to stop operating as well as some significant issues with their dryer units. This affected their capabilities to produce clean linen for their customers. They asked if we would be willing to take on some additional weight to what they were already sending us, during the peak linen season (winter). After some negotiations, we agreed to take on the additional work and began processing linen so patients would not go without. To date, the OSP laundry has processed a total of 489,338 lbs. of extra linen. And laundry sort has handled 3,888 extra laundry carts.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
Michael grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, running away from an abusive home at 12 years old. He went to live with his grandparents. His grandfather would take him to work with him over summer breaks and teach him about life. Life was good, then it wasn't. Michael's grandfather passed away when he was seventeen, leaving a void. He coped the only way he knew how, hiding behind a bottle and then drugs. The need to get high led to poor choices landing him in an Arizona prison at 20. He paroled to his mothers house here in Oregon. He was doing well for a while and then eventually started drinking again. This led to drugs, and Michael started getting in trouble. He tried several times to get sober but failed. Then he found himself running around with the worst group of people, and ended up in prison for the second time, paroling in 2012.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
Nobody first thinks of prison as a land of opportunity. For most of the men and women who are sentenced to time in Oregon prisons each year, prison is, at best, a course correction. For some its a forced detour around a road that was falling apart. For others, a prison cell is a timeout from the life they look forward to jumping right back into.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
As we navigate this worldwide pandemic, Oregon Corrections Enterprises wants to assure you we are planning for success regarding continuity of operations. We are constantly striving to improve our plans and are using all resources available to us to do so.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
We have received many letters and continue to see more come in. The responses have been fairly well-rounded with a range of positive, negative, and neutral tones. We want to share with you a letter we received from Theophilus. Theophilus resides at Oregon State Penitentiary and works in OCE's Call Center, leading and mentoring others while growing himself. His last name has been redacted for considerations of safety and sensitivity. What he has to say in the following letter is real and in his own words.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
The Hear My Voice video series is OCE's response to the desire of the men and women in our programs to have a platform to speak to the community. These videos were made to allow them to express their thoughts by speaking from the heart. This series offers a chance for those wishing to personalize themselves, to let the public see they are people who prefer to speak for themselves. They are aware of the societal climate pushing for changes and they are not in complete agreement. Sometimes a letter is not enough; it is easier to have a conversation, but if they did write one it will be included with the video.

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