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CCCF's sewing team demonstrated outstanding teamwork and dedication in crafting over 20,000 high-quality wrist braces from raw materials, exceeding expectations and finishing the project a month ahead of schedule.
Before entering this facility, I had never sewn a day in my life, well, not with a sewing machine. I did however one time attempt hand stitching a silk shirt that I designed and cut out of an old sheet when I was 15 years old.
In late January, OCE laundry at OSP was approached by one of our partners, they had some major machinery issues causing their tunnel washers to stop operating as well as some significant issues with their dryer units. This affected their capabilities to produce clean linen for their customers. They asked if we would be willing to take on some additional weight to what they were already sending us, during the peak linen season (winter). After some negotiations, we agreed to take on the additional work and began processing linen so patients would not go without. To date, the OSP laundry has processed a total of 489,338 lbs. of extra linen. And laundry sort has handled 3,888 extra laundry carts.
Current and former AICs share their experiences with OCE programs and how it has helped prepare them for release. The confidence and skills gained while participating help build self-esteem, hope, and a mindset for success. Shown at our recent Open House event, this video was edited by our Graphic Design Team and captioned by Access2Online at CCCF.
OCE programs seek to provide real opportunities for participants to utilize their training and produce deliverables that go beyond OCE to positively impact the community in many forms. One way we are doing this is through our Graphic Design Program at OSCI.
Council on Criminal Justice was delighted to share that "the web page for our Task Force on Long Sentences, featuring the beautiful art by the OCE team, went live. The reaction has been exceedingly positive, and some of our funders are planning to feature the art (and past OCE designs) in presentations about CCJ's work."
Prison Blues is an American workwear brand selling starchy blue jeans and rigid trucker jackets for around $50. Its a niche labelIf Levis is the giant of the jean world, Prison Blues is more like an ant scurrying underfoot. But the brands affordable clothes have lately caught the attention of young, fashion-conscious folks in Japan. A flip through Prison Blues tagged photos on Instagram reveals a plethora of Japanese fans wearing its midnight-blue jeans and chunky denim jackets with leopard-print coats, technicolor Coogi sweaters and vintage neckties.
Untapped talent turned to new hope for what lies ahead that is the story of Jeff Lumpkin. Lying dormant beneath a need for opportunity and barriers resulting from avoidable choices was his path to a better life. Though Jeff is currently incarcerated, the discovery of his rich abilities has helped him redefine how he sees himself, how his family relates to him, and what his future now holds.
The end of the biennium period brought an exciting project to OCE's Furniture Factory and Metal Shop. The customer, Eastern Oregon Airport, requested the production of two tables replicating the look of the wings from a WWII era B-25 Mitchell bomber airplane. Piloting this project was no easy task. Like the original plane, which required over 8,000 drawings and nearly 200,000 hours of engineering time, research was needed to get this project off the ground.
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