
Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
While the Garment Factory is known primarily for producing jeans, coats, and shirts, the Specialty Line's role in handling a vast array of miscellaneous garment and non-garment projects is often overlooked.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
In the Fall of 2021, the OCE Print Shop, in partnership with the State of Oregon's Publishing & Distribution (P&D) print shop, were discussing the fact that during the pandemic, there was a critical shortage of envelopes across the United States, as well as worldwide. This was brought on by supply chain issues in the paper industry.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
Untapped talent turned to new hope for what lies ahead that is the story of Jeff Lumpkin. Lying dormant beneath a need for opportunity and barriers resulting from avoidable choices was his path to a better life. Though Jeff is currently incarcerated, the discovery of his rich abilities has helped him redefine how he sees himself, how his family relates to him, and what his future now holds.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
The end of the biennium period brought an exciting project to OCE's Furniture Factory and Metal Shop. The customer, Eastern Oregon Airport, requested the production of two tables replicating the look of the wings from a WWII era B-25 Mitchell bomber airplane. Piloting this project was no easy task. Like the original plane, which required over 8,000 drawings and nearly 200,000 hours of engineering time, research was needed to get this project off the ground.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
Congratulations to the crew at OSP for completing OCE's new line of dorm furniture. It is a culmination of a wonderful joint venture between OCE and the University of Oregon that began in 2017. Graduate students and faculty at the University of Oregon Product Design Department within the School of Art and Design agreed to participate in OCE's idea to design new furnishings that meet the current needs of life in dormitory housing.

Posted By: DreamingCode Admin
The idea began nearly thirty years ago from an image in National Geographic. After seeing a cutaway of a British Man-of-War, James West took an interest that would never leave him. From that day on, he always had a desire to build a warship model with the intricacy to show the interior, but did not possess the skillset to make his vision a reality.

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