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Working at the laundry allows you to make a little more money than you can make if you were working outside the OCE jobs. While I was still married, I was sending my paycheck to my wife and that made me feel that I was contributing to the family. For many AICs, being able to send money to their loved ones is very important. Beside the money, we take pride at what we are doing in here. During the Covid pandemic, out of 300 workers only 80-85 workers were able to work because of the lock downs. I was one of those workers. We worked double shifts every day for a month until other workers were cleared to work with us. Knowing that our efforts were making a difference out there pushed us to work harder.
We made sure that every hospital that we worked with got their products (gowns, sheets, blankets, towels scrubs etc.) on time. This has been one of the most emotionally rewarding experiences of my life.
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