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This has provided as close to a real world business experience as possible in prison. Especially at the Sign Shop, our products serve outside customers who require a quality productin a timely manner. Work ethic is stressed here as well as working together as a team. This isn't like a prison kitchen job where no one cares if you don't clean the tables well enough. There is accountability and encouragement to improve your skills, attitudes, and productivity.
There are opportunities to learn new skills that have concrete applications when I release whether I choose to pursue a similar company or not. Being trainable and teachable are valuable assets no matter where I work. Here I've learned Sequel and VBA programming, purchasing, shipping and receiving while others have earned certifications in AutoCAD and fluency in industry software like Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft Office. Even soft skills such as dealing with coworkers and overcoming obstacles are coached by OCE staff and valuable in any employment outside of prison.
While not all OCE workers may avail themselves to these advantages, the opportunity is there. It isn't handed to us, but provided for us to earn. I have been given relatively free reign to improve and streamline our processes to make everyone's job easier and more efficient. I appreciate the support of staff and management.
Outside of certain restrictions because of our venue, how I have been treated here is the closest to an outside job in all of the prison job assignments I've had.
Respectfully submitted,
AIC Clerk, OCE Industries, SRCI Sign Shop and SRCI Laundry
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