
Posted By: DreamingCode Admin


OCE manufactures metal mailboxes for UO Students in the Product Design Program

Welcome to the OCE/UO Joint Venture page! For the past several years, OCE and UO College of Design have teamed up in a unique partnership to create innovative products and enhance the lives of the people involved through positive experiences. While these products are only prototypes and not for sale, the story is definitely worth telling!

FOR THE 2021 OCE/UO JOINT VENTURE, the product of choice was parcel mailboxes. Selected from about 20 entries, the designs from UO Product Design students Josephine Evans and Grace Irving were selected for manufacturing at the OSP Metal Shop in Salem, OR. This year's joint venture saw increased use of modern technology, a greater collaboration between adults in custody and the students, and an expanded marketing package from the OSCI Graphic Design Team. Learn more about the project below!

OCE-UO-Joint-Venture-Mailbox-Project-2021-Booklet Link
OCE / UO Joint Venture Booklet
The story of a metal manufacturing partnership.

Mockups of Mailbox Marketing Materials

These materials are examples for learning purposes only. Products not for sale.

Carmody Pricetag
For labeling the product display

Carmody Flyer
For advertising and point of sale

Carmody Mailer
For direct marketing

Robust Pricetag
For labeling the product display

Robust Flyer
For advertising and point of sale

Robust Mailer
For direct marketing

OCE/UO Joint Ventures from Previous Years

Oregon Corrections Enterprises seeks to provide adults in custody with unique opportunities for skill development and growth. Take a look at the collaborative efforts made between OCE and University of Oregon School of Design.

Furniture Joint Venture with UO
Reimagining Residence Hall Furnishings

Garment Joint Venture with UO
Prison Blues Designs for the Future