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Richard does not believe that doing away with OCE is an answer for prison reform
"I've worked in the OCE Print Shop for fourteen years. I'm both grateful and proud to have a job that gives me a chance to live some semblance of a normal life and feel like a human being. The staff I've work for have always been very professional and given me a chance to grow and learn. When I started here I had minimal computer experience and no print experience, having spent my life in construction."
We have received many letters and continue to see more come in. The responses have been fairly well-rounded with a range of positive, negative, and neutral tones. We want to share with you a letter we received from Richard. Richard resides at Oregon State Correctional Institution and works in OCE's Print Shop, leading a crew of talented and hard working AICs. His last name has been redacted for considerations of safety and sensitivity. What he has to say in the following letter is real and in his own words.
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