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Morgan has found purpose and hope
"Before my incarceration I'd never experienced a real job and I definitely did not think I'd be able to find it in prison. After a rough start to my incarceration I finally realized that with some determination and faith in the Department of Corrections and opportunities available I could uncover the skills I'd need to provide for myself once my sentence was complete. Within Coffee Creek there are many job opportunities, but only one is prized by many women at Coffee Creek - OCE -"
We have received many letters and continue to see more come in. The responses have been fairly well-rounded with a range of positive, negative, and neutral tones. We want to share with you a letter we received from Morgan. She resides at Coffee Creek Correctional Institution and works in OCE's call center serving DMV customers with excellent care. Her last name has been redacted for considerations of safety and sensitivity. What she has to say in the following letter is real and in her own words.
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