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Jeff Lumpkin began his passion for woodworking five years ago in the Oregon Corrections Enterprises (OCE) Upholstery Shop located at the Two Rivers Correctional Institution (TRCI) in Umatilla, OR. Assigned to work in the milling department, he was a quick study and hungry to learn more. Prior to working for OCE, his level of experience was a grand total of one school year of junior high wood shop. Having to first relearn to measure and cut, he has since grown into a milling expert, and now a CNC router machine operator.
Each year the OCE furniture factories have opportunities for the adults in custody (AICs) to stretch their creative muscles by designing and building items outside of standard OCE products. Jeff fully utilizes these opportunities and is the mastermind behind several incredible woodworking projects, considering he is working with scrap wood and fall off materials. This year's undertaking began as a project in a magazine. Where it has ended up is a finished product that will be offered for sale on the Governor's Food Drive Auction, proceeds going to the Marion County Food Bank to feed those in need.

Jeff is extremely thankful for the opportunity he has in with OCE to train, learn, and grow, using the opportunity to create new things. Like nearly all incarcerated men and women in Oregon, Jeff has a release date and will be going home in the future. His rapidly growing skillset has him thinking about the incredible opportunities he'll have to be successful. When he releases he hopes to find a furniture production factory where he can continue his skills. He loves working with wood and would like to make a career out of it. He isn't done learning, though. Jeff would like to learn the CADD/CAM side of the process to add to his new CNC skills, enhancing his ability to find a good job. He desires to maximize this training opportunity to make himself as marketable as possible when he returns to the workforce. He wants to keep expanding and wishes he had discovered woodworking sooner. In his own words, “Maybe all this could have been avoided." He is contemplative, and what he once viewed as restrictive he now sees as a second chance. He is making the most of his opportunity with OCE and is shaping his future through it.

When asked about the future of the bowling lane, Jeff said he would be happy if it was displayed or sold, and is glad to hear it will be used for the auction. He built it to test his creativity and learn new skills. He has moved on to the next project but wouldn't mind making more bowling lanes if asked. He's already working on plans for a potential miniature pool table. One can only imagine how creative it will be.
OCE offers training programs for AICs that teach them the skills to qualify for living wage jobs and better after release. Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) routers, Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) and Computer Aided Modeling (CAM) - also referred to as Machining or Manufacturing, are three of these programs all mentioned in this story.

For more information about OCE training programs and certifications, see our OCE Overview Booklet or you can CONTACT US.
Hear from Jeff himself about his goals for the future and how he created this bowling alley.

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Details on Every Level
Functionality through creativity
Elevated Training
Rising from Trainee to Craftsman
Interior Detail
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Craftsmanship on Display
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