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Welcome to Oregon Corrections Enterprises' (OCE) 2023-2024 Annual Report. Over the last year, our efforts have centered on engagement within our organization and expanding partnerships.
OCE focused on developing relationships to create fair chance hiring opportunities, expanding work and on-the-job training, and building our portfolio of accredited certifications available to adults in custody (AICs)-solidifying the foundation of the Reentry Program. Within OCE, we focused on employee and AIC engagement, enterprise resource planning, training, and sustainability. Please see "Looking Forward" to learn about OCE's goals for the next year (pg. 14).
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OCE focused on developing relationships to create fair chance hiring opportunities, expanding work and on-the-job training, and building our portfolio of accredited certifications available to adults in custody (AICs)-solidifying the foundation of the Reentry Program. Within OCE, we focused on employee and AIC engagement, enterprise resource planning, training, and sustainability. Please see "Looking Forward" to learn about OCE's goals for the next year (pg. 14).
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To ensure their effectiveness, OCE contracts with third parties to conduct independent research of our programs. The resulting assessments are posted below, and serve to help us see areas for future development.ECONorthwest Report
Paul Bellatty Report
CJC Report
Upon receiving third party assessments of our programs, OCE responds to the outcomes and impacts detailed in the research reports. Actions, directions, and goals to improve are outlined in these documents.ECONorthwest Response
Paul Bellatty Response
CJC Response

Each year, OCE receives an independent third party audit of the Fiscal department, reviewing the financial statements that have been approved by management, seeing that they are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Year after year the accounting department receives Gold Star Recognition for their efforts and accuracy.