
Fair Chance Employment – Hiring Releasing AICs

Address Labor Shortages Together: Partner with OCE and let's work together to handle the challenges of staffing shortages.

Do you need call center operators with incredible communication skills, graphic designers with multiple certifications, furniture makers, printing machinery operators, people who can sew, sand, mill, spray, ship, inventory, or even be a leader in your organization? Are you having issues finding people who have a strong desire to work? It might be time to consider a different source for your workforce.

Help remove the barriers to success and be a part of the solution for safer communities. Have a direct impact to the hope of those who just need to be given a chance to make it. OCE training programs are filled with people who have made the choice to make a change. They desire a new life, a life they are proud to live and one they can support on their own.

OCE programs are at the forefront of reducing recidivism in Oregon, according to an Oregon Criminal Justice Commission report published in 2017. The three year re-incarceration recidivism rate in 2022 was 8.6% for AICs with six months of OCE programming, and that number is dropping.

The benefits of fair-chance hiring include not only hiring well-trained people but also Workforce Opportunity Tax Credits and Federal Bonding opportunities.

For more information visit State of Oregon: Businesses

Work Opportunity Tax CreditFederal Bonding Program

How to Hire (OCE/Releasing AICs)

Join us in taking a stance on fair chance employment

Register your company to be a fair chance employer and we'll help match releasing workers with the right skills for your industry to the openings you have. We'll facilitate the application and interview process, and set you and your future skilled worker up for success!

If you have questions before you are ready to register, we're ready to answer them! Reach out to our Reentry Program Manager through our Contact Us Page. Please select "Reentry" under the "Nature of Request"
