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OCE is a vehicle to second chances for people like you and me who have feelings, ambitions, and dreams of a better life.
Corrections industries have existed within Oregon's state corrections system for the past 160 years. For decades, programs in Oregon's prisons manufactured a wide variety of products for use both within the prison system, as well as in the community. Over time, product lines evolved as corrections industries focused on the manufacture of furniture, metal fabrication, prison construction, farm and dairy products, and laundry services.
Corrections industries have existed within Oregon's state corrections system for the past 160 years. For decades, programs in Oregon's prisons manufactured a wide variety of products for use both within the prison system, as well as in the community. Over time, product lines evolved as corrections industries focused on the manufacture of furniture, metal fabrication, prison construction, farm and dairy products, and laundry services.
In 1994, passage of Ballot Measure 17 mandated that inmates in state correctional facilities work or receive on-the-job training for 40 hours a week. The Department of Corrections was expected to find new ways to expand work opportunities for inmates. The Department of Corrections (DOC) received additional General Fund support to augment inmate work programs, including funding to significantly expand inmate work crews in the community.
In 1999, Oregon Corrections Enterprises (OCE) was established through the passage of Ballot Measure 68 by the people of Oregon with the purpose of helping DOC meet its constitutional mandate created by Measure 17. OCE, the former DOC Corrections Industries program, was authorized as a semi-independent state agency, whose finances are completely separated by statute from the DOC. OCE receives no taxpayer dollars - instead, OCE is funded entirely through sales of its products and services.
Ballot Measure 68 provided the flexibility needed for OCE to operate like a private sector business. As a result, OCE has been able to sustain itself financially and move quickly to address new business opportunities, respond to economic downturns,and expand work and training opportunities for inmates in the State corrections system.
The OCE Administrator reports directly to the DOC Director. The collective efforts of both DOC and OCE are focused on keeping Oregon correctional facilities safe and providing adults in custody with the skill set and work ethics they will need to succeed upon release.
OCE's Commitment
Working for Oregon Corrections Enterprises is an opportunity for us to help others and contribute towards making our communities safer. Each of us has an important role in fostering positive change by guiding and mentoring offenders. We make a difference!Voices from the Inside, and Outside
Hear from former program participants about their experiences in OCE programs.
The mission of Oregon Corrections Enterprises, in partnership with the Department of Corrections, is to promote public safety by providing adults in custody with work and training opportunities in a self-sustaining organization.
We support Oregon's community in a variety of ways.Making a Difference
OCE provides meaningful work experiences for every offender. With training and guidance, the men and women in OCE work programs will return to their communities with a stronger work ethic and viable job skills, increasing their ability to succeed.
OCE provides meaningful work experiences for every offender. With training and guidance, the men and women in OCE work programs will return to their communities with a stronger work ethic and viable job skills, increasing their ability to succeed.
Keeping Current with Future Job Skills Demands
OCE is a progressive leader in developing career opportunities. By offering advanced training and state-of-the-art equipment, OCE is keeping current with industry standards and providing marketable job skills.
OCE is a progressive leader in developing career opportunities. By offering advanced training and state-of-the-art equipment, OCE is keeping current with industry standards and providing marketable job skills.
Leading the Way with Great Partnerships
By working with the Oregon Department of Corrections, state agencies, non-profit agencies, and the public, OCE builds partnerships that sustain work opportunities for offenders. OCE constantly explores new business opportunities and partnerships. Working together, we reduce recidivism while saving money for Oregon's taxpayers.
By working with the Oregon Department of Corrections, state agencies, non-profit agencies, and the public, OCE builds partnerships that sustain work opportunities for offenders. OCE constantly explores new business opportunities and partnerships. Working together, we reduce recidivism while saving money for Oregon's taxpayers.
Quality and Value
High-quality standard and custom products and services are the foundation of what OCE does. A continuously expanding array of products and services keeps OCE current with market trends and job market opportunities.
High-quality standard and custom products and services are the foundation of what OCE does. A continuously expanding array of products and services keeps OCE current with market trends and job market opportunities.